© Photographe Darius Salimi

Stéphane Bern and Marina Chiche at the helm of the “Victoires de la musique classique”

INFO TV MAGAZINE – The presenter of “Secrets d’Histoire” and the concert violinist who succeeded Frédéric Lodéon on Sunday on France Musique will defend the classical artists in unison at the end of February on France 3.

Article TV Mag :

Article Diapason :

Article France Musique :

Photo : Darius Salimi

Beethoven Concerto

New videos 🎥

Did you miss the broadcast of the Beethoven-Sarasate-Massenet concert with the Orchester Symphonique du Pays Basque last December on France 3 Nouvelle Aquitaine?

Here are some extracts!

Interview by France3 Pays Basque during rehearsals for the recording of the concert




Soirée l'indétronable Frédéric Lodéon. Paris, Studio 104, le 18/10/2020

New video 🎥

Extract from the concert given on October 17 at Studio 104 of the Maison de la Radio in honor of Frédéric Lodéon.

A moment of sharing, friendship and music with pianist Aurélien Pontier and cellist Anastasia Kobekina in the 1st movement of Félix Mendelssohn’s trio in D minor.